понедельник, 7 июня 2010 г.

Lack of sleep can lead to diabetes

Perhaps the link lack of sleep in our time with the epidemic of diabetes - not a mere coincidence. Scientists from the Netherlands say that a bad night's sleep affects the metabolic processes is much stronger than previously thought. Even if you occasionally sleep less than 4 hours a day, this is reflected in the resistance to insulin.
Specialists from the University of Leiden note: "The duration of sleep in the western world has declined significantly over the past ten years, and at the same time we are witnessing surge in cases of insulin resistance and diabetes type two." Insulin resistance - a condition in which the hormone insulin, the pancreas is unable to effectively regulate the level of sugar in krovi.1

During the study, the experts took blood samples from nine volunteers after a night with the eight-hour sleep and after a night with a four-hour sleep. As a result, it was found that shorter sleep has helped reduce the sensitivity to insulin.
"Our data showed that insulin sensitivity is not always the same even in healthy people and depends on the amount of sleep the previous night. Thus, not only the constant lack of sleep, but isolated cases of sleepless nights affect the organism's tolerance to glucose," - scientists say calling for further research to see how sleep improvement effect on blood glucose levels in diabetics.

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