понедельник, 7 июня 2010 г.

Bitter Chocolate saves from heart attacks

Scientists have finally identified in Caco beans substances that protect the heart from heart attack and its consequences

Contained in the cocoa epicatechin, which comes dark chocolate a bitter taste that will help get rid of the most common in the western world diseases: stroke, heart failure, cancer and diabetes.
Studies showed that the Panamanian Kuna, representatives who drink a week, more than 40 cups of natural cocoa (it has a high percentage epicatechin), the risk of these diseases is less than 10%
Studies have shown that the Panamanian Kuna, whose members drink a week, more than 40 cups of natural cocoa (it contains a high percentage of epicatechin), the risk of these diseases is less than 10%

More: http://news.mail.ru/society/3785228/Исследования showed that the Panamanian Kuna, whose members drink a week, more than 40 cups of natural cocoa (it contains a high percentage of epicatechin), the risk of these diseases is less than 10 %

According to experts, epakatehin may become a new vitamin. Now science has recognized 13 major vitamins and epicatechin are not included in their number. But, according to Vice President Natural Products Association Febrikanta Daniel, "the link between high epicatechin consumption and a reduced risk of fatal diseases are so striking that it is necessary to investigate further." "Probably, these diseases are caused by lack of epicatechin", - he notes

Experiments on animals have confirmed beneficial effects epakatehina on a living organism. It is possible that Caco-vitamin would soon become used in medicine as well as its effect was stronger than many traditional protective measures

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